Resources Heading link

If you need immediate assistance during business hours (Monday-Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM), call us at (312) 413-8206.
Local 24-hour free, confidential hotlines:
- Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline: (888) 293-2080
- Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline: (877) 863-6338
National 24-hour free, confidential online chat services:
Below is a list of resources that can be helpful to survivors of domestic violence. Heading link

Below is a list of resources that can be helpful to survivors of domestic violence.
It includes information about social service organizations in the Chicago area (city and suburbs) that offer 24-hour hotlines, education, shelters, medical advocacy, legal advocacy, and counseling.
If you need a service not listed here, please call Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network to get additional referrals: Hotline (877) 863-6338; Office (312) 527-0730.
We try to keep this resource list as updated as possible. If the links or phone numbers do not work, please let us know at or (312) 413-8206.
♦♦ = provides shelter
Apna Ghar ♦♦
4350 N. Broadway, 2nd floor
Chicago, IL 60613
Hotline: (773) 334-4663 phone / (773) 899-1041 text
Phone: (773) 883-4663
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; shelter; counseling; legal assistance; education
BASTA! (Enough!) Domestic Violence Program (Healthcare Alliance Systems)
5005 W. Fullerton Ave.
Chicago, IL 60639
Phone: (773) 745-7107
Services offered: counseling; legal assistance; education
Between Friends
P.O. Box 608548
Chicago, IL 60660
Phone: (773) 274-5232
Services offered: medical assistance; education
UIC Campus Advocacy Network (CAN)
1101 W. Taylor St., Suite 310
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: (312) 413-8206
Services offered: assistance/advocacy; education
Center on Halsted
3656 N. Halsted St.
Chicago, IL 60613
Hotline: (773) 871-2273
Phone: (773) 472-6469
TTY: (773) 472-1277
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; counseling
Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network ♦♦
1 E. Wacker Dr., Suite 1630
Chicago, IL 60601
Hotline: (877) 863-6338
Phone: (312) 527-0730
Fax: (312) 527-0733
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; shelter; legal assistance
Connections for Abused Women and Their Children (CAWC) ♦♦
1116 N. Kedzie Ave.
Chicago, IL 60651
Hotline: Phone: (773) 278-4566
TTY: (877) 863-6339
Phone: (773) 489-9081
Fax: (773) 489-6111
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; shelter; education
Deborah’s Place ♦♦
2822 W. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60612
Phone: (773) 722-5080
Services offered: shelter; counseling; education
Domestic Violence Legal Clinic
555 W. Harrison, Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: (312) 325-9155
Fax: (312) 325-9169
Services offered: legal assistance
House of the Good Shepherd
P.O. Box 13453
Chicago, IL 60613
Phone: (773) 935-3434
Services offered: legal assistance; education
John Marshall Law School Family Law and Domestic Violence Clinic
315 S. Plymouth Ct.
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: (312) 386-2816
Services offered: legal assistance; education; training
LAF Chicago
120 S. LaSalle St., Suite 900
Chicago, IL 60603
Phone: (312) 341-1070
Fax: (312) 341-1041
Services offered: legal assistance
Legal Aid Society (Metropolitan Family Services)
1 N. Dearborn St., Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: (312) 986-4200
Services offered: counseling; legal assistance
Life Span
70 E. Lake St., Suite 600
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 408-1210
Services offered: counseling; legal assistance; education
Maria Shelter ♦♦
7315 S. Yale Ave.
Chicago, IL 60621
Phone: (773) 651-8372
Fax: (773) 783-2673
Services offered: shelter;counseling; education
Metropolitan Family Services
235 E. 103rd St.
Chicago, IL 60628
Phone: (773) 371-3600
Services offered: counseling; legal assistance; education
Midway Center (Metropolitan Family Services)
3843 W. 63rd St.
Chicago, IL 60629
Phone: (773) 884-3310
Fax: (773) 884-0003
Services offered: counseling; legal assistance
Mujeres Latinas En Accion
2124 W. 21st Pl.
Chicago, IL 60608
Phone: (773) 890-7676
Services offered: counseling; education
Neopolitan Lighthouse ♦♦
Hotline: (773) 722-0005
Phone: (773) 638-0228
Services offered: shelter; counseling; education; legal advocacy
Porchlight Counseling Services
4753 N. Broadway St., Suite 632
Chicago, IL 60640
Phone: (773) 750-7077
Services offered: counseling; education
Rosenthal Family Lodge (Family Rescue)
8811 S. Stony Island Ave.
Chicago, IL 60617
Hotline: (800) 360-6619
Phone: (773) 375-8400
Services offered: 24- hour hotline; counseling; legal assistance; education
Sarah’s Circle ♦♦
4838 N. Sheridan Rd.
Chicago, IL 60640
Phone: (773) 728-1991
Fax: (773) 728-0992
Services offered: shelter
P.O. Box 46375
Chicago, IL 60646
Hotline: (773) 583-4673
Phone: (773) 583-4673
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; counseling; education
South Side Help Center ♦♦
10420 S. Halsted St.
Chicago, IL 60628
Phone: (773) 445-5445
TTY: (773) 701-4256
Fax: (773) 445-9818
Services offered: shelter; counseling; medical assistance
City of Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line
Hotline: (877) 863-6338
Services offered: 24-hour hotline
Violence Recovery Services (Heartland Alliance)
1200 W. 35th St.
Chicago, IL 60609
Phone: (773) 847-4417
Services offered: counseling; education
YWCA Metropolitan Chicago
820 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 550
Chicago, IL 60607
Hotline: (888) 293-2080
Phone: (312) 733-2102
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; counseling; education
A Safe Place (Zion) ♦♦
2710 17th St.
Zion, IL 60099
Hotline: (800) 600-7233
Phone: (847) 731-7165
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; shelter; counseling; legal assistance; education
Community Crisis Center (Elgin) ♦♦
P.O. Box 1390
Elgin, IL 60121
Hotline: (847) 697-2380
Phone: (847) 742-4088
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; shelter; counseling
Constance Morris House (LaGrange) ♦♦
P.O. Box 46375
Chicago, IL 60646
Hotline: (708) 485-5254
Phone: (708) 995-3670
Fax: (708) 485-0160
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; shelter; counseling; legal assistance; medical assistance; education
Crisis Center for South Suburbia (Tinley Park) ♦♦
P.O. Box 39
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Hotline: (708) 429-7233
Phone: (708) 429-7255
Fax: (708) 429-7293
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; shelter; education
Family Shelter Service (Wheaton) ♦♦
Hotline: (630) 469-5650
Phone: (630) 221-8290
Fax: (630) 221-8098
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; shelter; counseling; legal assistance; medical assistance; education
Guardian Angel Community Services (Joliet) ♦♦
Hotline: (815) 729-1228 (domestic violence)
Hotline: (815) 730-8984 (sexual assault)
Phone: (815) 729-0930
Fax: (815) 744-6087
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; shelter; counseling; legal assistance; medical assistance; education
Mary Lou’s Place (Evanston) ♦♦
P.O. Box 5164
Evanston, IL 60204
Hotline: (877) 718-1868
Phone: (847) 864-8445 (YWCA office)
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; shelter; education
Mutual Ground (Aurora) ♦♦
Hotline: (630) 897-0080 (domestic violence)
Hotline: (630) 897-8383 (sexual assualt)
Phone: (630) 897-0084
Fax: (630) 897-3536
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; shelter; counseling; legal assistance; medical assistance; education
Pillars Community Health (LaGrange)
23 Calendar Ave.
LaGrange, IL 60525
Hotline: (708) 485-5254 (domestic violence)
Hotline: (708) 482-9600 (sexual assault)
Phone: (708) 745-5277
Services offered: 24-hour hotline;counseling; medical assistance; education
Sarah’s Inn (Oak Park)
309 Harrison St. #100
Oak Park, IL 60304
Hotline: (708) 386-4225 (phone) / (708) 792-3120 (text)
Phone: (708) 386-3305
Services offered: 24-hour hotline; legal assistance; education